Lead On Podcast

Daniel Woodman

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Trump admin. cuts target contraceptive-based sex ed.

WASHINGTON (BP) -- Teen pregnancy prevention programs that advocate the use of contraceptives have been notified by the Trump administration their federal funding will be cut by more than $200 million annually. Ascend, formerly the National Abstinence Education Association, lauded the cuts as appropriate given the "controversial and explicit" nature of some sex education programs used in public schools.

Teen internet addiction cited as growing concern

NASHVILLE (BP) -- Gateway Seminary professor Paul Kelly had a friend who once became so addicted to online gaming that he would ignore his family and friends while also skipping meals so he could play more games on the internet. His desire became so severe that he began failing classes and stole from his family to support his habit. Amid the emerging challenge of internet addiction, youth ministry experts are calling for churches to raise awareness of the topic and provide resources for parents and students. While pornography is perhaps the most publicized online addiction, internet-based activities that are less sinister in themselves can rise to a harmful level, according to a growing body of evidence.

Refugee of communist China plants churches in Okla.

TULSA, Okla. (BP) -- Outgoing National Asian American Fellowship President Ted Lam has a dream of unprecedented Asian church planting in the U.S., and he has a plan to accomplish it. His personal testimony of escape from communist China is a tool to help him carry out that plan. After serving more than a decade as a church planting leader with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, Lam was elected in 2016 as the first president ...

Serve Day catches community’s attention

TOPEKA, Kan. (BP) -- An outreach effort in Topeka, Kan., has utilized local media coverage to publicize the ministry of Kansas Baptists and to share the love of Christ in America's heartland. The one-day ministry, called "Serve Day," is put on by the local Flint Hills Baptist Association. Each year churches that cooperate with the association join together to repair homes, install smoke alarms and meet other physical needs in the community. Laying a foundation for churches to share the Gospel is the ministry's first priority.

Evangelists aim for greater international reach

Increasing international evangelism and diversity were the focus of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists when it gathered in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Phoenix.

Filipino Baptists delay vote on executive director

PHOENIX (BP) -- A vote to postpone election of an executive director and continued emphasis on church planting were among highlights of the Filipino Southern Baptist Fellowship of North America's (FSBFNA) annual meeting June 13 in Phoenix. During a business session, the fellowship's officers nominated Dan Santiago, pastor of Covenant Christian Church in Jacksonville, Fla., as the first-ever FSBFNA executive director. ...

Messianic leader dies in Iraq in pedestrian accident

Tony Simon, a noted evangelist and pastor in Israel, was killed in a pedestrian accident in Iraq on May 29. The Messianic leader was in Iraq to provide aid to locals in the troubled country.

Tebow preps homeschoolers for ‘impressionable times’

NASHVILLE (BP) -- As a homeschooled child, Tim Tebow sat down with his parents and made a list of goals he had for his future, including becoming a baseball player and a Navy SEAL. Then he reviewed those goals daily with his mother, charting progress along the way. While God never called Tebow to be a SEAL, he writes in a new book that the personalized guidance of homeschooling played a significant role in his eventual success as an athlete. The former Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback for the University of Florida, in "Know Who You Are. Live Like It Matters," published by WaterBrook, relays a series of lessons aimed at homeschoolers from his perspective.

Opioid abuse gets congressional, Christian responses

NASHVILLE (BP) -- In the wake of an opioid abuse prevention measure passed by Congress, Christians are finding new ways to combat the crisis alongside the new bill. Gary Robbins, pastor of East Williamson Baptist in West Virginia, described opioid abuse as a widespread problem that needs to be addressed. "Just about everywhere I have been it has been a problem. It has hit everywhere," Robbins said.

Ley religiosa rusa enunciada para ‘debilitar’ misiones

MOSCÚ (BP) -- Una nueva ley rusa que prohíbe evangelizar y predicar afuera de sitios sancionados por el estado le recuerda al profesor del Seminario Teológico Bautista New Orleans Jake Roudkovski sus días como joven en la Unión Soviética.   "Las iglesias bautistas en Rusia sobrevivirán" la ley firmada por el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin el 6 de julio que comenzará a tener efecto el 20 de julio, le dijo Roudkovski, profesor asociado de evangelismo y liderazgo pastoral, a Baptist Press. Tal opresión "no es nada nuevo para ellos…Ellos permanecerán fieles al evangelio."   Sin embargo, la ley "significativamente debilitará todas las actividades misioneras," aunque "no detendrá [las misiones y el evangelismo] enteramente