Lead On Podcast

K. Faith Morgan

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Chaplains fellowship, pray for one of their own at Anaheim breakfast meeting

ANEHIM, Calif. (BP) -- At a breakfast to honor the women and men faithfully serving as chaplains, attendees were once again reminded that the 24/7 work of a chaplain is never done. They prayed for one of their own, chaplain Tony Moore, who left the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting almost as soon as he arrived to go minister to the families of five Marines killed when their plane crashed during a training exercise this week.

Fieles creyentes, pastores celebraron en el almuerzo de envío de NAMB

ANAHEIM, Calif. (BP) – “En los últimos 12 meses, si las encuestas son correctas, la mitad de los pastores en esta sala han considerado seriamente renunciar”, decía el video de apertura del almuerzo de envío de la Junta de Misiones Norteamericanas (NAMB) en la conferencia de pastores que precede a la reunión anual de la CBS.

Faithful believers, pastors celebrated at NAMB’s Send Luncheon

ANAHEIM, Calif. (BP) – “In the last 12 months, if the polls are right, half the pastors in this room have seriously considered quitting,” said the opening video for the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) Send Luncheon at the Pastor’s Conference preceding the SBC Annual meeting.

Send Luncheon celebrates pastors and SBC leaders

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) -- It was an hour of laughter and tears as the North American Mission Board's (NAMB) Send Luncheon celebrated the complex and rewarding journey of life in ministry. "We just want to say thank you for all that you do and how you lead your churches," said Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board, to a sold-out crowd of more than 3,700 pastors and their families. The event was held June 10 at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex in conjunction with this week's Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Birmingham, Ala.

Send Luncheon: Pastors encouraged for ‘thankless job’

DALLAS (BP) -- One year ago, Hurricane Harvey had yet to appear on radar. One year ago, very few people had heard of First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. "A lot can happen in a year" was the theme of the North American Mission Board's (NAMB) 2018 Send Luncheon. Held during the SBC Pastors' Conference, NAMB aimed to bless pastors with stories of faith, hope and redemption -- and a dose of humor. The capacity-crowd event overflowed from the main room into a live simulcast location as NAMB President Kevin Ezell hosted the luncheon and turned the crowd's attention to everyday Southern Baptist pastors faithfully serving their congregations and communities.

NAMB: Every church can pray

Church planting is the responsibility of every Southern Baptist church, and that responsibility begins with prayer. That was the message delivered by Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) at the SBC on Wednesday (June 15).

Combat veteran & wife: from PTSD toward healing

COLUMBIA, S.C. (BP) -- "Do you feel safe in our home?" Kathy Langston asked her husband, Navy Chaplain Mike Langston. "No, I don't," he replied. It was four years after his last tour of duty. Theirs was a family that understood deployment. Mike had been gone a total of nine and a half years during the course of their marriage.

Backpacks & Bibles reach into Appalachia, Miss. Delta

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) -- Since 2001, Appalachian Regional Ministries, a ministry of the North American Mission Board, has collected and distributed more than 140,000 Christmas backpacks and boxes filled with toys, clothing, school supplies, food and hygiene items and a Bible. As the ministry has expanded over the years, backpacks were distributed in the 2015 outreach to more than 46,000 children affected by poverty in Appalachia as well as the Mississippi Delta and beyond.

Église 21 launches to reach unchurched

MAGOG, Quebec (BP) -- By the numbers, the launch of Église 21 was a resounding success. In addition to the launch team of 80, 150 guests from the community attended the church's first official service. But the true success of the launch service can't be fully conveyed with numbers. Each of those 150 lives had a different story. Some were invited to the Sept. 27 service by friends.

Esperanza dentro de una mochila para niños hambrientos

MORIARTY, N.M. (BP) -- La mayoría de los niños en edad escolar, anticipa los fines de semana por ser un tiempo de diversión y libertad. Pero algunos, anticipan otra cosa: pasarán hambre. Estos niños viven en un ciclo de sobrevivencia, haciendo viajes múltiples a través de la fila de la cafetería de la escuela -- comiendo mucho en el almuerzo del viernes y recobrándose hasta el desayuno del lunes -- para compensar por la alimentación que escasea (o incluso no está disponible) en el fin de semana.