Indiana Baptists increase CP, address sexual abuse
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. (BP) -- A budget increase -- and added support for Southern Baptist missions and ministries -- were approved by the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana during their Oct. 28-29 annual meeting. Messengers also addressed the SBC-wide issue of sexual abuse through a motion and two resolutions.
Indiana Baptists celebrate their 60th anniversary
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. (BP) -- The 60th anniversary of the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana was celebrated during the Oct. 8-9 annual meeting at Highland Lakes Baptist Camp with 160 messengers and 53 guests representing 80 churches across the state. The SCBI became the 29th convention in the Southern Baptist Convention on Oct. 3, 1958. E. Harmon Moore, elected as the SCBI's first executive secretary-treasurer, served 22 years in the position. The SCBI today encompasses 420 churches and church plants from the convention's initial 111 churches.