
2023 SBC Annual Meeting

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2023 SBC Annual now available, the place ‘to see who Southern Baptists are’

NASHVILLE (BP) – The 2023 Annual of the Southern Baptist Convention is both a snapshot of the current moment in Southern Baptist life and a story about the past and the future of Southern Baptist work, said SBC Recording Secretary Nathan Finn, who’s fairly new to the job.

Adkins to lead GCR Evaluation task force study

NASHVILLE (BP) — Louisiana pastor and SBC First Vice President Jay Adkins will chair a task force that will study the impact of recommendations brought about by the Great Commission Resurgence Report and adopted by Southern Baptists in 2010.

Cooperation Group named by Barber

NASHVILLE (BP) – Addressing “things we have never done before” in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention will permeate discussions of those who will present a report next June that could reassert or redefine what constitutes a church to be in friendly cooperation with the SBC, said President Bart Barber.

Mike Law says constitutional amendment meant to provide clarity

NASHVILLE (BP) – A Virginia pastor says a desire for Southern Baptists to be faithful to God’s Word and maintain a clear, evangelistic witness is what is motivating him to move forward with a motion to amend the SBC Constitution.

‘Pastora’ title challenging as Hispanics discuss proposed SBC constitutional amendment

NASHVILLE (BP) – Hispanic Southern Baptists agree that the issue of female pastors is complex for Spanish-speaking congregations. They differ on whether amending the SBC Constitution is the way to bring unity and clarity.

Immigration a subject requiring diligence, accountability, say resolution authors

NASHVILLE (BP) – Billings, Mont., is not what you would consider to be the front lines of the national debate over immigration. But that doesn’t mean the topic isn’t important to all Southern Baptists.

SBC leaders discuss role of prayer in Asbury Awakening

NEW ORLEANS (BP) – A group of SBC missions and prayer leaders gathered on the CP Stage at the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans to discuss the Asbury Awakening that happened earlier this year and the role prayer played in the movement.

Asian leaders discuss trends, blind spots

NASHVILLE (BP) – A group of leading Asian-American pastors discussed the trends and blind spots found within the ethnic group in the Southern Baptist Convention during a panel on the CP Stage during the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

NAAF letter calls for ‘time of prayer and dialogue’ related to recent action on pastoral titles

NASHVILLE (BP) – A letter dated July 3 from the leadership of the National African American Fellowship (NAAF) urges Southern Baptists “to consider entering a time of prayer and dialogue” about recent actions taken by the SBC related to the title of women serving in pastoral roles in the local church.

Leading the church to unity in a divided culture

NEW ORLEANS (BP) – In a world growing increasingly divided, pastors are looking for ways to lead churches toward unity. A group of Hispanic pastors discussed some of the tensions causing divisions among Christians today and how the church can promote unity amidst division.