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40 Days of Life saves 3,000 babies


WASHINGTON (BP)–Three thousand unborn babies reportedly have been saved since 40 Days for Life began its first coordinated campaign in 2007, according to the pro-life organization.

Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life’s campaign director, in issuing the report on Oct. 10, released a text message recounting one woman’s change of heart. The text was received by a volunteer at the 40 Days of Life vigil this fall effort outside a Reno, Nev., abortion clinic.

The message, transmitted in several segments, read:

“I just wanted to send you guys a text to let you know that what you do out there does make a difference.

“When I went to that abortion clinic last week to drop off my money to terminate my pregnancy, I saw people standing out there with signs. I didn’t expect to see that and part of me felt ashamed.

“I drove through the gates anyway and went inside, gave them my money and made an appointment for 2:30 [p.m.] today.

“As I was driving away I couldn’t help but think that maybe there was another way. All this week I thought and prayed about it and I realized in my heart what the right thing to do was.

“I can’t help but think, that had you guys not been there that day to remind me that I had another choice, that maybe one more baby would have died today.

“Don’t stop what you’re doing. It matters. It did to me. From the blonde lady in the white SUV who picked up her money instead of aborting her baby today.”

The pro-life effort, which has occurred twice a year since the fall of 2007, consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting to end abortion as well as community outreach and peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion clinics.

An average of 3,315 abortions are performed daily in the U.S., according to totals from the National Vital Statistics Report by the Centers for Disease Control.
Compiled by Baptist Press Washington bureau chief Tom Strode.