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NAMB family devotions focus on seeing Jesus through the uncertainty


ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) — It can be difficult to find a family devotional that’s applicable in challenging seasons and addresses a child’s emotions with biblical truth.

“These are hard days. Since people are being told to stay at home, we wanted to provide a resource for families with kids that will help them navigate these uncharted waters of COVID-19,” said Catherine Renfro, a NAMB evangelism strategist.

“Seeing Jesus through the Uncertainty” is a free, interactive four-week family devotional that helps parents navigate and lead their families during challenging and unpredictable seasons. It includes short devotions, a simple leader’s guide, Scripture memory activities, coloring pages based on each week’s devotion and fun activities for kids to do throughout the week.

For families who lack the time to plan their own content, “Seeing Jesus through the Uncertainty” is a helpful resource. Each lesson can be done in less than 15 minutes, and the leader’s guide prepares parents by providing questions to ask and potential answers to expect from their children.

“We know families are facing unique situations right now,” NAMB president Kevin Ezell said. “Some have children who are very frightened by all that’s going on. Others haven’t been fazed by it. Regardless of the differences, we’re trying to help parents make this extra time at home happier and more purposeful.”

The material is written for a broad spectrum of ages. It helps children — and even adults — navigate difficult times through a Biblical lens and acknowledges emotional realities children may be experiencing, like fear, confusion or sadness.

“This is a difficult time for all of us. As parents, we are adjusting to a temporary, new normal, and so are our children,” Renfro said. “We want to be good stewards of the time we’ve been given, and we want to take the opportunity to continue pointing our children to Jesus.”

The devotion series helps parents guide kids through this season by drawing on stories like Abram and Sarai, who trusted God as they left their home, and Jesus, who calmed the storm as His disciples shuddered in fear. It also draws on biblical truths while talking about the emotions God’s people have felt for centuries, which are similar to those children are likely experiencing in these days.

Seeing Jesus through the Uncertainty: An Interactive Family Devotional can be downloaded for free at https://www.namb.net/seeing-jesus-through-the-uncertainty/ [2].