IMB to host panel discussion on racial diversity in missions
What is biblical diversity? Why does it matter in a conversation about international missions? How do we pursue diversity and unity at the same time?
God’s vision in Revelation 7:9 reveals that every ethnicity will be represented in heaven. God’s plan to reach every ethnicity – all nations, tribes, peoples and languages – includes a diverse mission force to bridge ethnic and culture divides.
Join IMB for a panel discussion, “The Future of Missions: Why Biblical Diversity Matters” on Thursday, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. EST.
Learn more and sign up at: imb.org/futureofmissions. [2]
Resumes sought for SCBI executive director
Earlier this month Steve McNeil, executive director of the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana (SCBI), announced plans to retire [3] at the end of June 2021.
The search team tasked with finding his replacement has issued a call for resumes.
“Bro. Steve is greatly loved by Indiana Baptists,” said Tom Savage, pastor of Sugar Creek Baptist Church in West Terre Haute, Ind. and chairman of the SCBI executive board. “His many brothers and sisters in Christ and ministry colleagues extend far beyond the borders of Indiana. We all wish him and his lovely wife Jeannine a blessed retirement and are confident they will continue to make an impact on the kingdom as they continue to serve together.”
Savage said the search team asks for Southern Baptists to pray for them and to contact him for more information or to send resumes. His email is [email protected] [4].