
Church Planting

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Arabic church-planting conference aims to accelerate efforts to reach Arabic-speaking populations

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – A group of more than 60 pastors, wives and other ministry leaders met for a three-day Arabic Church Planting Conference at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) July 10-12 to worship, network and encourage one another in the work of planting churches among Arabic-speaking peoples.

Idaho church using the outdoors to share the gospel

RIGBY, Idaho – A defunct church plant’s ministry has become a mainstay of a now thriving church.

A little Texas twang in the Big Apple

HARLEM, New York (BP) -- Long known for its rich culture and diversity showcased in such movements as the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, modern Harlem bustles with newly constructed multistory apartment buildings complementing traditional brownstones and thriving new and old businesses. It’s trendy.

As church planting enters a new phase, more hands needed

NASHVILLE (BP) – Church planting has changed a lot in the last 20 years, but some things have remained constant and even grown in importance. Training, assessment and partnerships are crucial.

Church planting ‘class of 2023’ bearing fruit, baptizing believers throughout North America

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (BP) – Before starting Port City Church in 2023, church planting missionary Jeremy Dager and his core team worked hard to engage their community leading up to their launch.

Church planting networks see continued influence

NASHVILLE (BP) – When asked about online chatter that claimed over half of its affiliated churches had left, Acts 29 responded that those reports are “extremely exaggerated.”

Less than three years old, Georgia church has started two more

ALPHARETTA (BP) — When leadership from Union Hill Baptist Church approached Hope Church in February of last year, both congregations were at an important point in their history.

Cooperation leads to new church plant in Arkansas Delta

HELENA-WEST HELENA, Ark. – April 9 marked a historic occasion in Helena-West Helena as members of Helena First Baptist Church deeded the church property to Second Baptist Church in West Helena on Park Avenue. 

Send Network hosts 200+ new church planters, Sending Lab for pastors

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) – More than 200 church planters represented 189 Sending Churches at Send Network’s most recent orientation for newly endorsed church planters April 15-17. Five different languages were spoken among the planters, who hailed from 24 U.S. States and two Canadian provinces.

Georgia county’s first Spanish-speaking church reflective of Hispanic growth

ROCHELLE, Ga. (BP) — Victor Lyons’ work in collecting information for the 2020 Census made it clear to him that Wilcox County reflected the burgeoning Spanish-speaking population of South Georgia.