Explainer: 7 reasons taxpayers should defund Planned Parenthood
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention has initiated a strategic effort to leverage the current Republican majorities in Congress and the executive branch to defund Planned Parenthood by eliminating the organization’s federal funding. The ERLC is mobilizing Southern Baptists to achieve this objective during the ongoing congressional reconciliation process, through various means, including a public sign-on letter.
IVF regulations a ‘wild, wild west’ despite Trump exec. order
WASHINGTON (BP) – Evangelical ethicists are urging policymakers to tap the brakes on in vitro fertilization (IVF) expansion despite an executive order by President Donald Trump and widespread enthusiasm for the practice.
ERLC wants to hear from Southern Baptists
NASHVILLE (BP) — Southern Baptists wishing to provide direct input on issues addressed by the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission may do so over the next six months through a survey released by the entity.
FIRST-PERSON: J.D. Vance makes the moral case for life
For more than half a century, pro-life activists have shown up by the tens of thousands on the national mall in Washington to argue for the sanctity of life. They were joined this time by a vice president who wasn’t yet born when Roe v. Wade came down in 1973. J.D. Vance was not the first VP to speak at the March. Mike Pence, President Trump’s first-term wingman, made regular appearances as a long-time ally of the pro-life movement.
Maryland church’s baby and toddler pantry operates on faith to serve hundreds
JESSUP, Md. – In its monthly baby and toddler pantry, Jessup Baptist Church supplies hundreds of families with free diapers, wipes, formula, clothing and other necessities.
Psalm 139 Project places three ultrasound machines in January
NASHVILLE (BP) – The Psalm 139 Project, a pro-life ministry of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), placed three ultrasound machines in two different states during the month of January. One of those placements has already saved two unborn lives.
Southern Baptists join thousands at the 52nd March for Life
WASHINGTON (BP) – Thousands of pro-life Americans, including many Southern Baptists, gathered near the U.S. Capitol on Friday (Jan. 24) for the 52nd annual March for Life.
Trump pardons 23 abortion protestors, some of them in jail
WASHINGTON (BP) – President Donald Trump signed an executive order Jan. 23 pardoning 23 pro-lifers convicted of federal crimes for blocking entrances to abortion clinics before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, some of whom were serving prison sentences.
Rand Paul reintroduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood
WASHINGTON – On Thursday (Jan. 23), a day before the 2025 March for Life in Washington, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his support of the event and said he has reintroduced his Defund Planned Parenthood Act.
Houses passes ERLC-endorsed ‘Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act’
WASHINGTON (BP) – The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” a bill aimed at protecting newborn babies that survive attempted abortions. The bill was endorsed by the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).