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An interview with SBC President Ed Litton

SARALAND, Ala. (BP) — SBC President Ed Litton joined Jonathan Howe, SBC Executive Committee vice president for communications, on Friday’s (July 2) episode of SBC This Week, a weekly podcast related to SBC news and events.

In the 21-minute interview, Litton discussed recent videos that showed similarities in sermons he and his predecessor, J.D. Greear, had preached. Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Ala., reiterated in the interview what he’d said in a public statement last week: that he had sought and received permission to use material. Litton also discussed his first mandate as SBC president—naming a task force to oversee an independent review of the SBC Executive Committee’s handling of reports related to sexual abuse in the Convention.

For a transcript of the interview click here.

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