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Wellman believes Cooperation Group recommendations will strengthen SBC

ARLINGTON, Texas (BP) – To be on a Zoom call with Jared Wellman is to observe his love for professional basketball. In addition to family pictures, his workspaces are filled with photos, jerseys, basketballs and other collectibles connected to NBA legends.

ERLC applauds bipartisan House vote passing Antisemitism Awareness Act amid campus protests 

WASHINGTON (BP) – The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is applauding a May 1 vote by the U.S. House of Representatives which passed a bill known as the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” amid nationwide protests on college campuses over the Israel-Hamas war. 

Arizona repeals 1864 abortion law; Florida 6-week ban becomes law

PHOENIX, Ariz. (BP) – The Arizona Legislature repealed May 1 an 1864 abortion ban that would have protected life from conception, but the law could still take effect temporarily during a 90-day waiting period for the repeal to become law.

Cooperative Program giving 2 points under year-to-date goals

NASHVILLE (BP) – April Cooperative Program totals of 3.25 percent below budget goals leaves the CP at just over 2 percent below fiscal year-to-date targets.

Teaching other people to pray

It’s tempting to imagine that legendary ministers like E. M. Bounds or Andrew Murray or someone known as “Praying Hyde” were simply born to pray. Along with the likes of David Brainerd, Leonard Ravenhill, Armin Gesswein, Bertha Smith, George Müller and so many others, there is a group of Christians who are primarily remembered for their prayer lives or their teaching on prayer. But no one was ever born praying. The men and women most known for prayer were not members of a spiritually elite corps the rest of us weren’t invited to join. They learned to pray.

Bible Study: United in Christ

When the church is focused on Christ, the unique opinions and preferences among church members no longer create disunity.

El Grupo de Cooperación de la SBC publica sus recomendaciones

NASHVILLE (BP) — Cuatro recomendaciones dadas a conocer hoy están diseñadas para “priorizar y enfatizar la autoridad de los mensajeros en la definición de los límites de nuestra cooperación, al tiempo que se aclara y refina nuestra estructura”, dice una declaración del Grupo de Cooperación de la SBC. En la reunión anual del verano pasado se encargó al grupo que estudiara la cuestión de qué hace que una iglesia “coopere amistosamente en fe y práctica” con la Convención Bautista del Sur (SBC).

Couple personally leads about 500 Chinese students, scholars to faith in Christ

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – Shu Huang said when he moved to Alabama in 1978, he heard the Gospel — and immediately rejected it.

Longtime church employee arrested for child porn

ROSWELL, Ga. (BP) — An employee of Dunwoody Baptist Church was arrested April 24 after detectives executed a search warrant at his home that turned up child sex abuse material.

NAMB y la Red Nacional Bautista Hispana preparan las iglesias hispanas en Indianápolis para el Crossover

Las iglesias hispanas continúan en preparación y en oración para el Crossover 2024, creando y compartiendo estrategias y ofreciendo entrenamientos sobre como compartir el evangelio y como dar seguimiento a nuevos creyentes.