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The grief and sorrow across Israel is unimaginable. Thousands have been killed and wounded as the terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel Oct. 7 and war has ensued. Families are grieving the loss of loved ones as others try to determine the whereabouts of those who are missing.

Evangelical leaders have spoken out against the attacks, calling Christians to pray and urging policy leaders to take action to protect the innocent in Israel.

The psalmist wrote in Psalm 88:1-2, “Lord, God of my salvation, I cry out before you day and night. May my prayer reach your presence; listen to my cry.”

The SBC Executive Committee has created a prayer guide that can be used by individuals and churches. It has been formatted so it can be shared electronically or printed as a bulletin insert.

May God bring peace to the Middle East. The prayer guide is downloadable here and posted below.

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