NASHVILLE (BP) – Online hotel registration opens Thursday (Oct. 1) for the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting June 15-16 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville.
Online registration will be available at sbcannualmeeting.net beginning at 8 a.m. Central Daylight Time.
Ronnie Floyd, SBC Executive Committee president and CEO, said messengers and guests will benefit from the many hotel rooms available at the meeting venue this year.
“Unlike any place we have been before for an SBC Annual Meeting, the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center will have over 2,500 rooms available under the same roof. In this same massive structure covering nine acres, we will also have all of our convention meetings,” Floyd said. “This will open the door for an incredible reunion of our SBC family from all across the world.
“By the time we get to June of 2021, fellowship will be one of the greatest experiences during this week together. Register now and pray now for #SBC21.”
Rooms are also available at 11 additional hotels ranging from about half a mile to just over six miles away from the convention center, with complimentary shuttles available for many.
This year, according to SBC Executive Committee Meetings and Events Manager Lynn Richmond, registering online is especially expedient because fewer phone operators are available during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If they choose to call,” Richmond said, “they can expect a very long wait.”
SBC President J.D. Greear has announced the 2021 theme as “We are Great Commission Baptists.”
“Let’s come to Nashville not just saying, ‘We are Great Commission Baptists,'” Greear said. “Let’s be Great Commission Baptists every day until then and every day thereafter.”
The 2021 Send Conference June 13-14 in Nashville will precede the annual meeting.
Hotel reservations must be made by May 17 in order to receive the convention rate, and reservations canceled on or after that date may result in a penalty of one night’s room and tax. While not recommended, registration by phone is available at 1-800-967-8852.