JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)–The executive committee of Union University’s board of trustees, in cooperation with the board of Prison Fellowship, has announced that the Charles Colson Chair of Faith and Culture will be established at Union.
Hal Poe, currently Union’s professor of faith and culture, was named to the chair.
“This announcement helps solidify our commitment to Christian worldview thinking as foundational to our work at Union,” David S. Dockery, president of the Baptist-affiliated University in Jackson, Tenn. “The high honor to carry forth the Charles Colson legacy at this institution is a stewardship we do not take lightly.
“Dr. Poe’s interdisciplinary emphases, his work with the C.S. Lewis Institute, his speaking abilities and publications, as well as his work on science and faith make him a most worthy candidate to hold this prestigious position,” Dockery added.
Chuck Colson, founder and president of Prison Fellowship, an international organization that assists prisoners and their families, is known by many for his involvement in the Watergate scandal under President Nixon for which he served prison time. Since that time, Colson has pursued his passion for integrating faith and culture.
“I am excited, honored and humbled that this Chair of Faith and Culture can help serve the cause of Christ at Union University,” Colson said in a written statement to the university. “This chair will represent Union’s commitment to the Christian worldview, an understanding of all of life under the Lordship of Christ, showing how Christian truth is at the root of all knowledge and all learning.”
Colson, who was Union’s May 2001 commencement speaker, will be present at the official installation on campus later in the fall.
(BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at https://www.bpnews.net. Photo title: COLSON & UNION.