News Articles

Creation Museum opens ‘Dinosaur Den’

PETERSBURG, Ky. (BP)–The Creation Museum, which opened Memorial Day weekend, unveiled a new dinosaur exhibit July 4 that likely will become a favorite of visitors.

Dubbed the “Dinosaur Den,” the exhibit is 4,500 square feet and two stories high, and features sculpted dinosaurs, dinosaur bones and soon will have real dinosaur eggs. Through videos and displays, the new exhibit teaches visitors about dinosaurs and where they fit into the biblical creation account.

The Dinosaur Den opened in front of 2,000 guests, a record for a Wednesday, according to a news release. All total, more than 65,000 people have toured the museum, indicating the projection of 250,000 visitors in the first year may be exceeded, the release stated.

The $27 million, 60,000-square-foot museum — located in Petersburg, Ky., just a few miles south of Cincinnati — is a high-tech museum focusing on the biblical creation account. It is a product of Answers in Genesis, an apologetics ministry.

“We are so thankful to have the resources to build a quality exhibit devoted to the very creatures so closely associated with the arguments about creation and evolution,” Ken Ham, co-founder and president of Answers in Genesis, said in a statement. “We are hoping that people of all ages will enjoy the dinosaur displays and learn that the science of paleontology supports biblical creation.”

For more information about the Creation Museum, read Baptist Press’ earlier story at https://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=25801, or visit the museum’s website at www.CreationMuseum.org.
Compiled by Michael Foust

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