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ERLC to unveil ‘Gospel for Life’ books

ST. LOUIS (BP) — The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission will unveil the first three volumes in its new “Gospel for Life” book series during the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention June 14-15 in St. Louis.

Among its other initiatives at the SBC meeting, the ERLC will join with the 9Marks ministry for the second consecutive year to cosponsor a conversation on church and culture.

The first three volumes in the nine-book “Gospel for Life” series –produced in partnership with B&H Publishing Group — will address religious liberty, racial reconciliation and same-sex marriage. The series seeks to provide Gospel-centered resources to help Christians address controversial ethical issues.

The series, ERLC President Russell Moore said, “aims to help the church in navigating through ethical and cultural issues. The Gospel speaks a word to all of life, not just our Sunday mornings. Our hope for these books is that they will encourage and embolden Christians to see all of life — from adoption to marriage to politics — from a Kingdom perspective.”

Contributing writers for the first three “Gospel for Life” books include Moore and:

— R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary;

— John Piper, founder and teacher, Desiring God;

— J.D. Greear, pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh/Durham (N.C.) area;

— Trillia Newbell, director of community outreach, ERLC;

— Eric Mason, founder and pastor, Epiphany Fellowship, Philadelphia, Pa.

The ERLC/9Marks event, scheduled for 9 p.m. June 13, will feature Mark Dever, 9Marks president and senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and Moore discussing cultural engagement and answering questions from the audience.

Among other initiatives by the ERLC or speaking appearances by Moore during convention week:

— Moore will participate in a panel discussion at the Baptist21 luncheon June 14.

— The ERLC will launch its newly redesigned website at

— The ERLC will distribute copies of Light magazine, its biannual publication. This issue will focus on religious liberty and include a first-person article by Kelvin Cochran, who was fired as Atlanta’s fire chief after writing in a book that homosexual behavior is immoral.

Moore told Baptist Press, “Our priority in St. Louis is to serve the churches of the SBC in helping them to lead their congregations through difficult cultural times with Gospel conviction and Kingdom confidence.”

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