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FIRST-PERSON: So much more than Sunday morning


DALLAS (BP) – A strong, late summer thunderstorm blew through the Metroplex one afternoon a few weeks ago. I watched it from my office window, and it seemed to leave just as quickly as it came.

Even after the storm had moved on, I found myself staring out my window taking notice of little details that usually elude me because I’m so focused on my work. I watched the remnants of the storm clouds give way to clear blue sky. A bright red cardinal hopped from branch to branch in the tree right outside the window. I noticed the way the droplets left by the rain were resting on – and slowly rolling off – the dark green leaves on that same tree.

I was soon interrupted by a strained feeling from within telling me I needed to get back to work, but I allowed myself to stand there a few moments longer because I realized something that I wish I remembered more often: in those moments of marveling at the wonder of nature, I was worshipping. So before sitting back down at my desk, I thanked God for the tiny, beautiful things not only that He has created, but that He allows me to see.

Worship is so much more than the time when we sing songs during a Sunday morning church service. Worship is maintaining a mindset of gratitude and awe toward the Lord all day every day. Worship can (and should) happen all over the place – in the car, at the ballpark, at a dinner table with friends.

Psalm 150:1-2 says this:


Praise God in His sanctuary.

Praise Him in His mighty expanse.

Praise Him for His powerful acts; 

Praise Him for His abundant greatness.

Based on this passage, here are four ways you can worship God all day every day:

Worship Him by gathering with others

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: in a culture and at a time when we are more connected than ever through technology, our hearts have never been further apart from one another. Be intentional about gathering with God’s people “in His sanctuary” as often as possible, but also be present in each other’s homes and lives. We prove to be Jesus’ disciples when we love one another in such ways.

Worship Him through what He has created

Take time to stare out the window and notice all that God has created. The power and character of God, Paul writes in Romans, is “clearly seen … through what He has made.” But are you taking time to experience it, look at it, breathe it in?

Worship Him through testimony

What “powerful acts” have you seen God do lately in your life or in the lives of others? The problem is not that God isn’t at work – He is always at work. The challenge is in taking time to count your blessings and name them one by one, to Him in prayer and to others when you gather.

Worship Him for all His greatness

God is patient. God is kind. God is mighty above all things. God speaks and it is so. God is for you! Spend regular time telling God, and anyone else who will listen, how great He is.

“Attention,” author John Mark Comer once wrote, “is the beginning of devotion.” What will you choose to focus on today? To whom will you give your attention?

    About the Author

  • Jayson Larson/Southern Baptist TEXAN