News Articles

FIRST-PERSON: Today was a day of mixed emotions

A LAST FRONTIER COUNTRY (BP)–Today was a day of mixed emotions (Sept. 12 in this Last Frontier location). I left the house feeling guilty that I was abandoning my family on a day when they needed me most. Overnight the world seemed to have become a dangerous place and human life so fragile.

Today, however, was a big day for our local team of evangelists. We were to commission 13 new believers who would return to their homes and their villages to share the love of Christ with their family, friends and neighbors. Our morning service began with prayer for those who lost their lives overnight in New York and Washington. There were some who wept openly as we prayed. Most of these men and women were strong Muslims only months before, but by God’s grace they are now our brothers and sisters in Christ!

This afternoon, each of these 13 men and women were prayed for as they prepare to return home. Hands were laid upon them and prayers were raised on their behalf. They asked for prayer that God would protect them. Some had received threats over the weekend that their homes would be burned down. Others asked for boldness in sharing their faith. Several wept uncontrollably for the salvation of their parents and siblings. One young man was prayed for by his own father who also recently came to know Christ. Father and son wept and held each other out of sheer joy. A son-in-law prayed for his father-in-law who had received Christ. They too wept and embraced one another.

I could not hold back the tears as the spirit of God moved among these new believers. They know the cost and the risk, but they also know how much it cost their Savior!

At the end of the day, I was asked to give a brief closing benediction. I shared with my brothers and sisters in Christ how today had been a day of mixed emotions. On one hand I felt grief and a sense of loss at what had happened in my own country, but in my heart there was great rejoicing over these who had answered the call to follow and serve our risen Lord. In the midst of a great victory for the enemy, battles continue to be won on the front lines!

In coming days, 34 new believers will be baptized, 24 on one morning and 10 the next morning. Pray for protection from the enemy. Pray for God’s protection for these new believers. Every day people are being led to Christ! Pray for the new leaders who will disciple and train these 34 new believers, that their zeal for the Lord will be contagious!

May God bless and comfort you in these uncertain days.
The worker is not identified because of security reasons in the region where he is stationed.

    About the Author

  • a Last Frontier worker