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Global Hunger Sunday promotion resources available

NASHVILLE (BP) — Baptist Global Response, a Southern Baptist humanitarian aid organization, has published a new media kit to help churches promote Global Hunger Sunday on Oct. 9.

The kit contains a poster, promotional video, announcement slide, three versions of a bulletin insert and three hunger-related sermon outlines. Southern Baptist churches can use these resources to raise awareness about Global Hunger Sunday, an annual giving event for Global Hunger Relief (GHR). Formerly known as the World Hunger Fund, GHR is a Southern Baptist initiative that funds hunger projects in North America and around the world. 

BGR serves as the administrator for GHR funds used in international food assistance and hunger-related projects. BGR Executive Director Jeff Palmer says church involvement in GHR is a crucial part of efforts to end hunger.

“Every one of our GHR-funded projects overseas comes from a locally approved strategy,” he said. “The church in the United States is critical to our ability to respond to massive hunger needs globally. Through the prayers of the saints for those suffering, the gifts from our membership that fund our ministries, and the partnership of Christians who join us in hunger projects, BGR brings a wider influence of Southern Baptist and kingdom resources to those in great need.”

Established in 2006, BGR uses these resources to connect people in need with people who care. It also works with international disaster relief efforts and community development, as well. But, hunger relief remains one of BGR’s top priorities. Through GHR and Global Hunger Sunday, Southern Baptists help BGR work toward its goal to feed as many undernourished as possible. In 2015, the organization gave food assistance to 173,000 people.

In addition to BGR, other partners of GHR and Global Hunger Sunday include the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Woman’s Mission Union, LifeWay Christian Resources and the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee.

Those interested in helping the hungry this year can find the Global Hunger Sunday media kit on the resources page of BGR’s website, GHR,, has also published its own resources for the giving event.

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