DALLAS (BP) – A pulpit used by Southern Baptist notables like George Truett and W.A. Criswell emerged intact after surviving a fire that gutted the historic sanctuary at First Baptist Church here over the weekend.
“So indescribably grateful for this miracle,” another former FBC pastor, O.S. Hawkins, shared. “In the midst of the total destruction of the church in the fire this 130 year old pulpit of Truett and Criswell and the others of us somehow someway miraculously survived. Thank you Lord.”
First Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress shared Hawkins’ post, adding “A true miracle – especially if you saw the flames engulfing the place this pulpit was displayed.”

An investigation remains ongoing into the cause of the four-alarm fire. Members of First Baptist met on Sunday at the nearby Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, which hosted the SBC Annual Meeting in 2018 and will do so again next year.
Executive Pastor Ben Lovvorn shared an update Tuesday (July 23) through a video posted by Jeffress.
“First of all, thank you for your constant prayers and support,” he said. “I’ve received so many text messages and emails from members of our church and even from people across the country and throughout the world letting us know that they are praying for First Baptist Dallas.”
Church leaders are hoping to worship on site this Sunday, he said, and teams are working throughout the facilities that were covered in smoke a few days ago. The campus will remain closed this week and all activities are suspended.
“One way or another, we’re going to come together somewhere for worship this coming Sunday,” Lovvorn said.
Work is underway to preserve three exterior walls of the historic sanctuary that remain standing, he added.
Those wanting to assist financially may do so through the church’s Mission 1:8 WIN NOW strategy. Direct giving to cleanup and rebuild is possibly by going to “Give” at FirstDallas.org, choosing “Give Now” and selecting “Church Campus Redevelopment” in the dropdown menu.
“Thank you, church family, for your steadfast support, your faithfulness to Jesus Christ and to His church,” Lovvorn said. “And thank you to those across the country and across the world who have been lifting us up in your prayers and are locking arms with us as we seek to accomplish our mission of transforming the world the truth of God’s word one life at a time.”