NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — Churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will be going through the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes the next several weeks as they take part in the SBC’s annual January Bible Study. This year’s study will use the book “The Pursuit: Chasing Answers to Life’s Questions” by David S. Dockery as a guide. The book and other supporting materials are available from LifeWay Christian Resources (
As an additional aid to churches and study leaders, Baptist Press cartoonist Joe McKeever has created 13 cartoons that can be used in handouts, worksheets and slides during the study. The cartoons are attached to this story (above) and can be downloaded for free.
According to information at, this year’s study will “remind us what life is really like when we choose the pattern of this world rather than what God has to give; help us develop an everyday theology, showing us how to shape a Christian worldview in light of the challenges of secularism; serve as a guide for us as we seek to learn how to engage culture in an effective way; and enable us to see afresh our need for the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Reported by Baptist Press staff.