NASHVILLE (BP) – Many Southern Baptist entities are offering opportunities to give to specific projects, missions and ministry efforts on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 18.
Giving Tuesday is a global charitable giving movement begun in 2012. Below are ways Southern Baptist entities can be supported this Giving Tuesday.
Direct donations to the Ethics & Religious Liberty’s Psalm 139 Project, which places ultrasound machines in pregnancy care centers, can be made here: erlc.com/psalm-139-donate/.
Scholarships are a crucial foundation to missions training at Gateway. The greatest obstacle students face in pursuing their education is a financial one. This year, Gateway is extending Giving Tuesday to a 100-hour period to gather 100 donors for missions scholarships at Gateway Seminary!
Giving to a scholarship is one way you can be part of the continuing mission work at Gateway Seminary! Giving link is here: https://www.givecampus.com/q9u4nb
Gifts to Mission:Dignity made on Tuesday, Nov. 28, #GivingTuesday, will be doubled up to $700,000, thanks to generous donors.
“We are thrilled for the donors who have agreed to match gifts this Giving Tuesday,” said GuideStone Financial Resources President Hance Dilbeck. “One of the joys I’ve discovered in my stewardship of GuideStone has been the godly men and women we serve through Mission:Dignity.”
In 2022, Mission:Dignity assisted more than 2,800 individuals with extra money needed for housing, food and vital medications. It also ensures a well-deserved dignity, independence and, often, the ability to continue serving the Lord.
As always, 100 percent of all gifts go directly to retired Southern Baptist workers, ministers and widows near or below the poverty line. An established endowment covers administrative and overhead costs for the ministry. Mission:Dignity receives no Cooperative Program gifts.
Give online at MissionDignity.org.
The International Mission Board encourages gifts to the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions (LMCO). The LMCO has been supporting missionary efforts to share the Gospel with the lost since 1918. Every dollar that is given is used to support the work of those who go into all the world, working toward the promise we see in Revelation 7:9 — all nations, tribes, people, and languages knowing and worshiping the Lord.
Give online here: imb.org/generosity/giving-tuesday-2023/
Direct donations to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary can be made here: www.mbts.edu/give/.
NOBTS and Leavell College
With an emphasis on “nothing shapes lives and nations more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Mike Wetzel, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College vice president of institutional advancement, announced this year’s Giving Tuesday campaign goal of $400,000, made possible through a $200,000 matching gift.
The campaign theme of “Store Up Treasure: Take Hold of True Life” is based on 1 Timothy 6:18-19 and challenges givers to remember that an investment in seminary education has worldwide impact as graduates take the Gospel to “all nations.” Because every dollar supports the seminary’s operational expenses, the campaign helps keep theological education affordable for students, Wetzel said.
Give online at nobts.edu/givingtuesday/.
Send Relief
For just $25, you can give the gift of clean water this #GivingTuesday!
Clean water is essential for living a healthy, full life. Yet more than 750 million people across the world still live day to day without clean water. Together, we can bring clean water to the most impoverished communities and change lives!
Your gift this #GivingTuesday will help us meet our goal of raising $35,000 to provide water filters and support Send Relief projects such as:
- Water filtration systems in East Africa, which will impact hundreds of families by preventing waterborne illnesses
- Filter installation and sanitary toilets in Southeast Asia, which will not only improve lives, but also provide opportunities to share Jesus with those who have never heard the Gospel
Please consider giving your most generous gift on this special day to provide clean, life-changing water to those in greatest need around the world!
While not offering a specific Giving Tuesday emphasis, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is holding its annual year-end giving campaign. Gifts can be made here: www.sbts.edu/support
As a Great Commission seminary, Southeastern Baptists Theological Seminary is committed to training men and women to know God and His Word, to love the local church, and to make disciples of all nations. Southeastern is grateful to Southern Baptists who give generously to the Cooperative Program and to the hundreds of Great Commission donors who give directly — on Giving Tuesday and throughout the year — to further Southeastern’s mission.
On Giving Tuesday this year, Southeastern’s goal is for 300 Great Commission givers to support its mission of equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Every dollar raised for the Southeastern Fund will be matched up to $250,000, and this matching opportunity will continue through the end of the year. To learn how you can support Southeastern’s mission, visit sebts.edu/givingtuesday.
Direct donations to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary can be made here: swbts.edu/give/.
Direct donations to the National Woman’s Missionary Union, which provides missions and discipleship resources for churches and individuals, can be made here: wmu.com/donate/.