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WMU ‘How-to’ series helps leaders nurture churches’ missions groups

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)–National Woman’s Missionary Union has released a WMU How-to series for leaders of church WMU organizations.

The “How To” series includes six books — WMU in Your Church, Women on Mission, Acteens, Girls in Action, Children in Action and Mission Friends. An additional resource is available for WMU leadership in Hispanic churches.

Each of the books provides an overview of the respective organization, steps for getting started, ideas for customizing the organization to fit a church’s needs, age-specific information, plus much more.

WMU in Your Church provides an overview of all the age-level organizations, including Adults on Mission and Youth on Mission.

“Vibrant, energetic missions involvement does not just happen in churches,” said Jan Turrentine, WMU’s managing editor for products. “It requires a plan. But it doesn’t have to be hard!

“The WMU How-to series shows people in churches how to plan, promote, participate in and lead effective missions involvement for all ages in the church,” she explained.

“From ongoing age-level organizations, to short-term volunteer missions opportunities such as Volunteer Connection and adult and family missions teams, to ongoing ministries such as Baptist Nursing Fellowship, Christian Women’s Job Corps and WorldCrafts, the WMU How-to series opens doors of missions involvement for everyone in the church.”

The new WMU How-to series replaces the WMU Guide series released in 1995.

Writers and editors of the new series were encouraged to focus on making the new books as simple and user-friendly as possible, Turrentine said.

“We wanted the How-to books to be simple to use,” she said. “Whether the reader is an experienced WMU leader or just starting, we wanted her — or him — to find the material easy to navigate and to the point.”

The overall purpose of the series is to give leaders in the church the tools to involve fellow Christians in missions, wrote Edna Ellison, WMU ministry consultant for churchwide and associational audiences, in the foreword of WMU in Your Church.

“Studies show that churches that have WMU give more to missions causes, pray more for missions and missionaries around the world, and get more involved in missions and ministry than churches without WMU,” Ellison wrote.

“Imagine what your church can do through WMU,” she continued, listing such things as discovering what God is doing through missionaries around the world, sharing Christ through disaster relief, feeding hungry children, leading a Bible study and teaching prisoners to read.

“Your church can create an environment in which people can respond to God’s call to mission service … [and] you can discover for yourself the joy of missions.”

The WMU How-to series is available from WMU by calling 1-800-968-7301 or visiting It is also available at LifeWay Christian Stores.
(BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at Photo title: HOW-TO SERIES.
*Name changed for security concerns.

    About the Author

  • Tanya Dawson*