BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) — As International Mission Board personnel who are eligible for the organization’s voluntary retirement incentive prayerfully consider God’s leading, Woman’s Missionary Union leaders are calling for more intense prayer and support for Southern Baptist missionaries.
“Ongoing, focused prayer for our missionaries has always been a foundational component of missions discipleship through WMU,” said Wanda S. Lee, executive director of national WMU. “It is both a privilege and responsibility to lift up our missionaries in prayer, and so vital right now as they are making potentially life-changing decisions.”
National WMU will host a special time of prayer for international missionaries during an observance of the Week of Prayer for International Missions at WMU’s headquarters in Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 3.
In addition to prayer, WMU is seeking to help missionaries who decide to return to the U.S. with housing and transportation.
Missionary housing has long been a ministry provided by WMU through a password-protected database of available housing for missionaries. WMU provides counsel to those who want to learn more about starting a missionary house ministry and facilitates communication between missionaries and those who have houses available for use.
Currently, approximately 530 homes are available for long-term housing and 117 for short-term housing of missionaries made available by churches, associations and individuals in 27 states. WMU is seeking to update the database prior to posting it for missionaries to use in their search for housing if they leave the field.
“If you have a home available to offer to missionaries as they transition back to the U.S., please contact us so we can add your residence to our housing list,” Lee said. “We also know transportation will be a need, so we are contacting those currently on our list to see if they may also have a vehicle they can offer for use.”
Contact [email protected] or (205) 991-8100 with questions or information about housing or transportation for missionaries.