SBC Life Articles

2015 Annual Meeting Story Collection

The Intersection of Prayer and Witness

Editor’s Note: At each year’s SBC annual meeting, Baptist Press assembles a team of writers and photographers from SBC entity and state convention staff to provide coverage of the Convention and numerous related meetings scheduled before, during, and after the two-day meeting. This year, Baptist Press published a live blog and sixty-four news articles about these meetings. Many luncheons are scheduled each day. Other events take place throughout the day, some as early as 6:30 a.m., others beginning as late as 9:00 p.m. Though messenger registration topped 5,400 this year, this represents less than 10 percent of pastors and denominational workers who receive SBC LIFE. For those tens of thousands of pastors and staff who were unable to attend the annual meeting, the following sets of news stories, with web addresses, are listed with hopes that those unable to attend the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting will read them and catch the spirit of those power-packed days.

Interceding for the Nation

Interceding for the Nation

Thousands of messengers and guests at the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention gathered into groups and earnestly prayed for revival in the church and a great awakening across the US. Spiritual leaders from Southern Baptist churches across America—including Hispanic, Korean, Native American, and African American pastors—prayed for an end to racism and prejudice as they pledged to work together “as one family.” Photos by Paul W. Lee.

Messengers Pray in Columbus “As One Family”

Prayer for Abedini Urged at Pastors’ Wives Conference

WRAP-UP: SBC Seeks Awakening, Supports Marriage

FIRST PERSON: Reflections on the SBC Annual Meeting

Transacting Business

Transacting Business

More than 5,400 messengers attended the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting June 16–17 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The 2015 meeting was themed Great Awakening with a full night session dedicated to a national call to prayer to all Southern Baptists for the next Great Awakening and to reach the world for Christ. Photo by Van Payne.

5,406: SBC’s Unofficial Columbus Registration

Ronnie Floyd Unopposed as SBC President

Broader NAMB Mission, New Golden Gate Name Approved

SBC’s Committee on Nominations Named

Committees Report Giving, Diversity of Members

Motion Commends Review of Racial Reconciliation

Page Receives Asian Advisory Council Report

Late Trustee Nominees OK’d, Entities Field Questions

Hearing Reports

Hearing Reports

All six Southern Baptist seminary presidents fielded questions from messengers after giving their annual reports during the June 16 morning session of the two-day SBC annual meeting at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The six seminary presidents are (left to right): Chuck Kelley, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; Paige Patterson, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Danny Akin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; R. Albert Mohler Jr., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Jason Allen, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Jeff Iorg, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Photo by Matt Miller.

Inspirational Challenges

Inspirational Challenges

George Kelly of Texas salutes the American flag as hundreds of veterans join fellow messengers reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting’s opening session June 16 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. SBC President Ronnie Floyd and General Doug Carver, executive director of chaplaincy for the North American Mission Board (in the background on stage), honored all the veterans attending the meeting. Photo by Adam Covington.

Addressing Culture

Addressing Culture

Ronnie Floyd, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, leads an SBC Presidential Panel on “The Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage: Preparing Our Churches for the Future.” Panel participants included (left to right): Rosaria Butterfield, an author from Durham, North Carolina; Ryan Blackwell, senior pastor of First Baptist Church, San Francisco; Matt Carter, senior pastor of The Austin Stone Community Church, Austin, Texas; R. Albert Mohler Jr.; president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky; and Russell Moore, president of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The panel was held during the last session of the two-day June 16–17 SBC annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by Matt Miller.

Affinity Groups Meet

Affinity Groups Meet

Women were challenged to use their skills and testimonies for reaching others for Christ during a breakfast hosted by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) and the North American Mission Board in Columbus, Ohio, June 17. Photo courtesy of SEBTS.

Affinity Groups Meet

Emerson Falls, president of the Fellowship of Native American Christians, welcomes attendees to the FoNAC annual meeting June 15 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by Rebekah Rausch.

Seminaries Convey Highlights to Alumni and Friends

WMU Elects Linda Cooper as National President

WMU Celebration Spotlights Surrender, Sacrifice, Service

“Tea at 3” Highlights Relationships, God’s Word

Women Encouraged to Lead Biblically

Network to Nurture Hispanic Baptists’ Communication

At AVANCE, Hispanics Hear Ronnie Floyd, David Platt

“Lord Break Us . . . Make Us,” NAAF Leader Prays

Native American Vision Tour Upcoming for Oklahoma

Filipino Baptists Aim for One Hundred New Churches

Associational Leaders Urged to Embrace “Crucial Role”

Preaching Through Bible Has Risks, Pastors Say

Pastors Discuss Vulnerabilities, Victories

COSBE “Recalibrating,” Unveils Gospel Fest

B21 Panel Addresses Sexuality, Gender

9Marks Sparks Discussion on Church, Culture

Connect 316 Meets, Honors Jerry Vines

CBMW: Transgender Ministry, Gender Roles Discussed

Penetrating Lostness

Penetrating Lostness

Amber Spallino (left), a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, helps Makya (middle), four, and Jasmin, five, from the Linden community in Columbus, Ohio, plant vegetables June 13. Volunteers from across the country helped plant a community garden in a vacant lot as an evangelistic outreach for Crossover 2015. Photo by Bob Carey.

Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall

Jonathan Akin (left), pastor of Fairview Church in Lebanon, Tennessee; David Platt, president of the International Mission Board; Vance Pitman, pastor of Hope Church in Las Vegas, Nevada; and Sebastian Traeger, IMB’s executive vice president, speak on a panel about the entity’s “cities strategy.” The panel was held at the Cooperative Program booth in the exhibit hall at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio, June 16. Photo by Adam Covington.

CP Surge Showcased in Exhibit Hall Discussions

Future of Missions Spotlighted by CP Panel

Opportunity, Authenticity Draw People, Panels Say

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